Android Auto

The other day I was notified of an update to Android Auto on my phone.  I had seen some online news that a new version would be released that would allow the app to be used without a compatible in dash head unit.  My first thought was “why did this take so long?”, but I…

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Comments on Ring Doorbell

With all the hysteria in the media about Internet of Things (IOT) recently I thought it might be a good idea to initiate some discussion on some of the higher end items as the media seems to only focus on routers and items that no one has ever heard of. On to my comments on…

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Tech during Trump

Last week, somewhat unexpectedly, Donald Trump became President-elect of the United States. Despite the outrage and protests, he will take office in late January. Ever since the victory, his future administration’s impact on topics such as M&A transactions and food production have been the focal point of many articles published online. While many tech sites have been doing double…

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