It is a total mystery how to select the default Windows Hello device
I find the Windows Hello login very useful. It is quick and generally very accurate. …
I find the Windows Hello login very useful. It is quick and generally very accurate. There is one complaint I have that is really a bit of a mystery — how the heck to you pick the camera that you want to use for Windows Hello? There does not seem to be a way to…
As Spring finally approaches here in the North-East, I think it is a good time to do some Spring cleaning of my game systems. In particular, this year I want to focus on my arcade cabinet. My goal is to add a full Windows PC, an XBOX 360 and a raspberry pi to the cabinet…
The big Nor’easter hit Connecticut the other day and we lost our power for a few hours. We also lost out cable too: phone, internet and TV. This was and is annoying, but I can understand how much work is involved to fix these things. One new think I learned is that you lose your…
I am a big fan of podcasts and a longtime user. I, like many, started with iTunes in my podcast listening, but quickly grew tired of how it handled feeds that I didn’t listen to in a while. For many years as an Android user, I used BeyondPod for listening to podcasts and in general,…
I was thinking about this the other day in the lab. I was thinking many people know about floppy drives and the a:\ drive being the default, but the b:\ drive? That is a different story. In the old days the OS would boot from the floppy and it was considered the a:\ drive. I…
I got a Nike+ Apple Watch 3 with LTE for my birthday last year. As a very longtime Fitbit user, I was skeptical of losing access to the social component of Fitbit. I have always said that the back end of Fitbit is their greatest resource, and still believe this. I liked my various Fitbits…
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations is being talked up to allow individuals like myself to use high end hardware for workstation type tasks. I have been waiting for this for years now and in the interim have become quite versed in Linux and Windows Server due to my requirement to use 4 sockets on the…
I have been a huge fan of Street Fighter now for over 20 years. I have purchased every revision of the game multiple times on multiple systems. It was very disappointing that Blanka was not originally included in Street Fighter V, but as of yesterday, he is there!! I played through his story mode and…
For the last several months, I have been testing both Siri and the Google Assistant as voice controllers for my home automation products. While neither product is really very good at this point in time, I have less overall problems with Siri than I do with the Google Assistant. In this post I will outline…
Recently, I have been driving to work after a very long stretch of either walking or taking subways/trains. I have found that the GPS apps are pretty useful for letting me know if there is traffic on I-95 South. Currently, I am juggling Waze and Google Maps as my go to apps as well as…