I recently got a Microsoft Surfacebook at work. I have been busy installing all the programs that I use for data collection and analysis as well as development and content creation. I am very happy overall and this machine is set to replace my not-so-old MacBook Pro because Apple seems to be unable to provide a decent Bootcamp touch-pad driver. Anyway – the Surfacebook has a 6th gen i5 CPU and has the dedicated GPU in the keyboard. I will post more details on the function of apps like Photoshop and Maya later, but for now the only program that really matters is Ultra Street Fighter IV (Street Fighter V is good, but no Blanka = no play for Adam). Anyway, I decided that 720p is fine for me on this game as frame rate is more important than resolution and this is the only resolution that is playable on the MacBook Pro. On the other hand, this Surfacebook does have a dedicated GPU, so I was curious if I can play at 1080p, so I tested both. Both screenshots are below (720p on top). The Surfacebook is absolutely able to play the game at 1080p which I was very happy about. I think hooking this up to a big TV for some street fighter action is absolutely an appropriate use of this machine and I know a few people that may agree.